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Lisa Naylor


Lisa Naylor
Lisa Naylor earned her M.A. in Linguistics from San Diego State University and her B.A. in French from California State University, Fullerton. She has taught in various settings in the San Diego area, including at the community college and state university levels as well as at UC San Diego Extension, where she worked for over 20 years teaching a range of academic skills and university preparation courses. She also developed and taught courses for specialized programs such as the Medical English Program and the Teaching English-as-a-Foreign Language Professional Certificate Program. She has also taught in the private sector, including teaching business English abroad in Japan and Switzerland. Her areas of interest include conducting classroom-based/on-site research to inform best practices in delivering instruction, and providing feedback to help students succeed in their university studies and professional preparation.  She is the author of Join the Club: Idioms for Academic and Social Success, I and II.