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ELWR-Fulfilling Test Scores

While UC will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admission decisions, test scores can be used for writing course placement after you accept your offer of admission. 

Students may meet the requirement in any of the following ways, prior to enrollment at UC San Diego:


  • Score 680 or higher on the SAT, Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (paper format).

Note: Digital SAT Reading and Writing cannot be used to fulfill the ELWR. No exceptions.

School Code: University of California: San Diego (4836)


  • Score 30 or higher on the ACT, English Language Arts (ELA, a composite score of ACT English, Reading, and Writing)
  • Score 63 or higher on the ACT, English plus Reading (must be from the same exam sitting)


Note: ACT English alone cannot be used to fulfill the ELWR. ACT superscores will not be accepted. 

School Code: University of California: San Diego (0459)

Advanced Placement (AP)

  • Score 3 or higher on AP exam in English Language and Composition.
  • Score 3 or higher on AP exam in English Literature and Composition.
  • Score 3 or higher on AP Seminar (effective for the FA23 cohort and onward).
  • Score 3 or higher on AP Research (effective for the FA23 cohort and onward).

School Code: University of California: San Diego (4836)

International Baccalaureate (IB)

  • Score 5 or higher on an IB Higher Level exam in English A Literature.
  • Score 5 or higher on an IB Higher Level exam in English A Language & Literature.
  • Score 6 or higher on an IB Standard Level exam in English A Literature.
  • Score 6 or higher on an IB Standard Level exam in English A Language & Literature.
Note: Language B cannot be used to fulfill the ELWR. Only official IB exam scores will be accepted. Predicted scores cannot fulfill the ELWR. 

All other tests or language assessments CANNOT be used to fulfill the ELWR, including but not limited to TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, SBA, Cambridge English exams, IGETC, IGCSE, GCE, and Option International British.